Government Mental Health and Wellbeing consultation now open

4 May 2022

The Department for Health and Social Care has now released the Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan for consultation.

The new plan will shape service provision and funding for the next 10 years. This is a huge opportunity to get long-term government backing for your service and others like it across the country.

Last week members had the chance to feed into a collective written response to the Government's consultation at our dedicated conference session. Your insights were invaluable and your voices will continue to be pivotal in the fight for long term funding.

Our campaigning conference sessions will help you take action locally, so be sure to sign up for our sessions on Campaigning within Charity Law and the Fund the Hubs action plan.

Read the consultation paper to begin planning how you can take action locally to secure a funding and service provision commitment in the 10-year plan.