Introducing our new Chair of the Trustee Board

22 Mar 2023

We're excited to announce that we have a new Chair of the Trustee Board

As David Clark’s tenure comes to an end, we’d like to thank the outgoing Chair for all his work and wish him well in his future endeavours. David has sat on the Board for 9 years, and it goes without saying, that his work will have a lasting impact. 

In his place, we welcome Dan Mobbs as the new Chair of our Trustee Board. As a previously serving Youth Access Trustee and the Chief Executive of the Mancroft Advice Project, Dan is perfectly placed to provide us with leadership, challenge and support.  

We’re overjoyed with the Board’s decision to appoint Dan as Chair of the Board and wish him the best of luck in his new role. 

Reflecting on the current climate and the impact of the membership Dan said: 

It goes without saying that local youth advice and counselling organisations are essential. Our members’ services are deeply connected to their local communities and in the current context of the cost of living and mental health crises, they’re providing vital support for countless young people. 

Members have, for years, been carrying out amazing work in their local areas. Now more than ever, we need to come together to promote services like these on a national level, so that every young person can get help when and where they need it. No young person should suffer as a result of gaps in provision. 

Free local youth advice and counselling services are effective and exactly what young people tell us they want. Members have always responded to what young people tell them they need and always will. It’s in our DNA.

Chief Executive of MAP and newly appointed Chair Dan Mobbs 

Our Chief Executive Cassandra Harrison welcomes Dan to his new position: 

I’m delighted that Dan is our new Chair and look forward to continuing our work together. He is hugely knowledgeable and passionate about the impact that youth advice and counselling services can have.  Heading up a Youth Access member organisation, he is brilliantly placed to help us to continue putting our members at the heart of everything we do.

Youth Access Chief Executive Cassandra Harrison