What to expect

Our members are independent, locally-managed services, usually located somewhere easy to access, like a local high street or town centre.

You may be able to call or simply drop in and have a chat with a staff member to find support. Our members usually offer a range of advice, group work and therapies so they can help you with issues ranging from money worries to your mental health.

They’re connected by a set of shared values and principles:

  1. Trust and respect
  2. Honesty and consistency
  3. Hope and optimism

When you seek support through your local service, you can expect:

  • Free, easily accessible support, in person and online
  • Your feedback to be listened to
  • Opportunities to get involved in shaping services
  • Your welfare to be safeguarded
  • Your privacy to be respected
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If there isn’t currently a service near you, there are national services available to help. We continue to fight for investment in community-based services in every local area, so that every young person has access to the help they need when and where they need it. Find out more about our most recent campaign as part of the national Fund the Hubs coalition campaign alongside several other charities here.