Young People in Mind aimed to both increase 16-19 year olds' access to counselling and other psychological therapies (with a focus on those at high risk of mental health difficulties and at points of transition), and to improve integration between services (voluntary sector YIACS, statutory mental health and other services).
The project was funded by the Department for Education and coincided with the implementation of local CAMHS transformation planning, allowing YIACS to be actively involved in the process.
Delivered through a consortium of nine Youth Information, Advice and Counselling Services led by Youth Access, the project’s key achievements and findings were:
- 1,092 young people assessed, 77% of whom were found to have one or more vulnerability
- Depression, anxiety and low self-esteem were the top presenting issues at assessment
- 25% of the young people presented with self-harm and 20% of the young people presented with suicidal thoughts
- Following an assessment, the majority of young people (86%) chose one-to-one counselling or other psychological support from the YIACS
- 83% of young people offered help following assessment were stated as achieving a ‘good outcome’
- Of the 9 YIACS involved in Young People in Mind, eight were specifically named in their local CAMHS transformation plan
- Since the project ended all nine YIACS have increased their access to local funding and continue to offer services to young people