Case study
Centre 33, a Cambridge-based member, talks to us about its exciting projects and partnership to improve young people's access to support.
Centre 33 is part of an exciting local mental health partnership called YOUnited, which works to ensure that young people get easier access to the services that best meet their needs.
The partnership will include an integrated central referral hub for mental health services for young people and involves two voluntary sector providers and two NHS partners.
The service is also part of a partnership with a range of different organisations where each partner employs ‘job coaches’ who offer support to young people via Centre 33’s drop in service. The partnership’s Board is responsible for overseeing and ensuring the smooth running of the shared data systems.
In addition, Centre 33 has also delivered a project, funded both locally and nationally, to look at how best to meet the needs of young people experiencing health inequalities. The project piloted a model of various types of contact and more frequent, shorter contact with young people known to be more vulnerable and at risk of poor service engagement.
Evaluation of the project so far indicated that it has been successful in improving contact with this group. Furthermore, Centre 33’s input is reported to have affected working practices in other local services and has influenced the development of a new cross-sector mental health service.
Find out more about the work Centre 33 is doing: